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What is SCRuBs?

It stands for Support, Community, Resources/Referrals, and Barter. It's what we do!

We are an organization (by and for our membership) of small businesses, farms, and artisans working together to co-create opportunities for ourselves and who advocate for policies that preference small and sustainable over big box and extractive.

We want to build resilient local economies and infrastructure where we little folk win! Join us for monthly meetings and share information, work, and opportunities. Together, we build the win-win!

SCRuBs history

SCRuBs was started by the folks who now own Market on Main, re:Source Farm, and Haven Herbs. As we started to do business in the area, we saw lots of opportunities being squandered or worse, being given to big (not local) companies, when it's us- the folks that do the work in our communities and are the backbone of any economy that should be getting those opportunities!

We decided the way forward was working together to form networks, coops, and projects that could help us all. When we Support one another in a Community that reaches out with Resources and Referrals, we can make BIG things happen for one another and the community as a whole. When we Barter, we support a more resilient economy that preferences us and takes out the middleman, too!

Reach out and/or come to a meeting!

We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Market on Main. Fill out the form to join and learn about what we are doing together!

SCRuBs email list

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